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Monday, May 9, 2011

there's a reason I can't raise my right hand to scratch my ear tonight

at this point, we've gutted half the basement, only to find another wonderful infiltration of water that needs to be fixed.  requires breaking a mortar cap over block, sealing it, recapping with the right spec-mix concrete, using flexible urethane caulk/seal to fill the walkway/foundation gaps.

dug out one window well at about 5x4x3 feet deep.  tore out the upper deck steps, tore out 1/4 of the lower deck, which now allows digging out the second upgrade to a legal egress window.  just finished building the new upper deck steps away from the hole's work zone.  probably about a ton of wet green-treated lumber hauled and cut and placed.

still need to reframe the basement walls in the east half after Drylok, insulate, rewire, put in the conduits for the media stuff, etc.  I've taken the week off for that.

this is a 40-year job, I'm only doing it once per house ;)


  1. Hi - I hope it's OK to contact you like this. I was late to the party in responding to your Lileks comment about live local TV color and Norelco cameras, but in it I mentioned the notes I had taken at the time. I basically went color-TV crazy when we got one in 1965 - I was 19 - and soon began keeping track of when local stations started transmitting their own color sources of various kinds. This eventually led to my contacting the stations - sometimes by mail, but often by phone - and talking to their chief engineers, who generally were surprised and gratified to find someone showing this kind of interest. Anyway, I still have the chart I made back then that lists, station-by-station in the SF Bay Area and Sacramento markets the make and/or model of their color film chains, VTRs and cameras, and the dates they started live color. For the latter, the first in our area was KCRA-3 in Sacramento in January 1966, with an RCA TK-42. I still remember their first on-air use; it was during their nightly news, still in B/W, but for the entertainment news section and with some small fanfare, they switched to their then-only TK-42 and up popped KCRA personality Harry Martin in Living Color. I was thrilled.

    I see my chart also indicates if the stations had color newsfilm, special effects generators or color remote units.

  2. hey, Paul, have been hiding out in the basement. gutting it.

    WDAY didn't play "howdy" like your station in Sacramento did, they just promoted the heck out of color coming ("What does Pinky Vangerud know?" "What does Red know?") and the week before going live with the two Norelcos, started the direct promo campaign.

    took another year before they generated the area coverage map in color on a character generator, and overlaid that on their RCA aircraft radar to create... Color Radar! until then it was a b/w slide with the states and major roads on it that was keyed over the radar, which was picked up on a cheap industrial vidicon camera.
